Grave Site Purchase Prices:

Sections 1-17 :

Site for 1 grave $995

Site for 2 graves $1895

Site for 3 graves $2795

Site for 4 graves $3695

Note: 10% Discount for Trinity and Holy Cross members for lots, but not interments.

Markers & Monuments Policy:

Consult with Cemetery Board Members before ordering a monument. The size and placement of monuments in this historic cemetery depends on many factors, including lot size, monument size, and surrounding landscape. Monuments may be installed anytime after lot purchase; however, please delay installation several months to a year after a casket burial so that the soil can settle. Monuments are generally placed at the head or foot of a grave.

Interment & Recording Fees:

Monday - Friday :


Saturday :


Sunday/Holiday :


VAULTS or other outer container required for regular caskets.

Double Deep Regular Grave = additional charge of $200. With the first casket buried “double deep,” two full caskets may be placed in one grave lot, one above the other.

Natural or Green Burials Policy:

Burials following natural or green practices are accepted throughout the cemetery. Work with a funeral director for these arrangements. No vaults are required for natural burials.

Cremains Interment Policy:

Each set of cremains buried will incur the fees noted. Cremains sealed in an above-ground monument will incur a $300 administrative and recording fee.

Cremains may be interred in an unused grave site or above a casket that was previously interred.

The number of cremains that any grave site can accept depends on the size of the lot and the size of the cremains containers.

Please plan carefully with Cemetery Board Members to meet your needs.

No vault is required for interring cremains.

All prices are subject to change. Every effort is made to keep the information on this page current and correct.

Payments by check, cashiers check, or cash are accepted for lot sales and interment fees.